Chocolate Bar Controversy

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There is an argument for lost city and lost treasures, an archeologist dug up a site to find treasure, but caused a lot of destruction in the process. Was this right? First of all, digging up an ancient city just for treasure shouldn't be allowed, he destroyed a lot to get it. On the other hand, priceless artifact were found. Overall I think that should be illegal. There's an argument in how a melted chocolate bar changed our kitchens, percy spencer mistakenly went close to a microwave emitting machine and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket, he used this idea and tried it with corn kernels and it made popcorn kernels, this was the dawn of the microwave, this general point is some inventions were created by a flaw or mistake, sometimes …show more content…

This story talks about whether or not the accidents could have been avoided and found in much safer ways with less or no flaws. It also said most of the mistakes that lead to innovation do not lead directly to a discovery, it takes research and hard work. Even though it also says most of the helpful innovations we have come due to mistakes, but those mistakes, again, could have been avoided. In about error and discover the main debate is quotes that support that errors sometimes lead to discoveries that are worth the accident that caused it. This supports and goes against the others stories sides and perspectives. Though yes the discoveries were brought to the world by accident, but they’ve helped mankind a lot. The discoveries make us who we are in this society, and i agree with this story. In the three previous stories the main debates were over discoveries that were made by accident And whether or not it was worth making the mistakes. I personally think they are worth it by making our lives easier and better. Also there is a solution to almost every problem made, so humans could fix it, but this could take time and money. But if the person fixes the problem and also has a successful discover their should be no real worry about

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