China's One Child Policy Essay

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China's One Child Policy

The success of China's economy over the last two decades would have been much less impressive, if not impossible, had they decided on any other population policy? China's family planing efforts have dropped the population growth from 3.3 percent in the seventies. To the current rate of 1.6 percent, moreover, during this period the fertility rate of Chinas women have dropped from 6 to 1.8 percent. The population of 65 years old was only 66 million in 1990, and now is expected to grow 90 million by 2000, and 167 million by 2020. China being over 1/6 of our population is wise to adopt this policy for themselves and to set an example for other developing countries. What is the one child policy? Chinas one chilled policy is a way for it to control the population while maintaining …show more content…

The policy is like this; a mother may only have only one child, if the child is born with a serious disability (and would be unable to support the family in their old age) or if the child dies, then they are allowed to have another child. By 1998, the population of China stood at 1.248 billion and if not for the family planing program, they would be at 1.5 billion or more today. Two decades ago, the average amount of children per family was eight now it is at about 1. China is a major contributor to the world population and with such little agricultural land, is somewhat in a state of poverty and is now with the population growing at such a rapid pace they would have been in an extreme state of poverty by the year 2050. China is a communist country; which means every one has equal rights, services and an equal amount of work. This is why the one child policy is so effective for them. Every industry has its own family-planing agent who monitors and records

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