Delinquency And Its Effects On Children Essay

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Children are shaped in many different ways. Children’s futures can be greatly shaped by the home they are brought up in. One situation in particular can be if a child grows up in a household where the parents are divorced. Some may believe that children that have divorced parents may be more likely to be delinquent. Many children in today’s society are growing up in a single parent household as a result of divorce. This creates a binuclear family where the child is living in two different households. It is believed that if the parents can have “good” divorce that the child will essentially have the same healthy emotions as before. The textbook Delinquency in Society states that divorce can cause many problems for children, but it has not …show more content…

The authors of this article believe that divorce can have a large effect on youths because of the problems that come from divorce. The textbook said that they have no been able to link divorce as an indicator of delinquency because delinquency comes from other factors besides divorce in the studies they have discussed. I feel that the conclusions given by the research article are reliable. They examined various studies where the researcher was able to link delinquency and divorce. I feel that the data can change depending on the group of people examined because no two situations are identical. This article was able to clearly show from different situations examined the effects of divorce on delinquency (Esmaeili & Yaacob, …show more content…

They both agree that a healthy divorce can have no effects on the children. If things are handled correctly a child will remain the same. The textbook and article both do not list delinquency as a result of divorce. I think this data may be correct depending on the children they studied. Unlike the textbook this article discusses that children may develop a large amount of disorders as a result of parents fighting. I feel this information is correct. It mentions different studies it looked at to gather this information. The conclusions looked at in my opinion are correct based on the studies they looked at (Bernet, 2015). The information between the two articles and the textbook are all different. I think that each source is likely correct. Each study will come out differently based on the information they study, as well as the people they look at. I think depending on the parents the outcome of delinquency on the children will

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