Brave New World Society Dystopia

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Have you ever thought what a world without children would be? Well, from comparing both “Brave New World” and “Children of Men,” it is found that a world without children is a dystopia. In other words, it is a complete disaster and everything in the world is not how it is today. By comparing the Brave New World society and the society in the film “Children of Men,” we can establish that in both dystopias there are no children, which impacts the relationship between man and woman. War, drugs, castes are common in both dystopias, as people tend to cope drugs to get away from the reality of war caused by people of different “castes.”

One impaction is caused by war. In the movie “Children of Men,” the idea of a dystopia reoccurs just like the …show more content…

Lastly, the final impact is castes. “The development process of infants to produce a number of "castes" with carefully modulated levels of capacities to enable them to fit without complaining into the various societal and industrial roles assigned to them; and Pavlovian conditioning of children from birth.” (Naughton) This quote explains how there is a mass production of children through vitro fertilization, which are essentially genetically modified babies, conditioned into whichever castes they are fated in. Although this may be different than “Children of Men,” it is essentially the same concept, as the people in each dystopia are not allowed to have babies. “A dystopian society is ruled by group with a private agenda shrouded in euphemisms or outright lies.” (Ferris 9) This quote gives a great definition of a dystopian society that is shown in “Brave New World” and “Children of Men”. It shares that these societies are ruled by a group with a private agenda meaning that they are ruled by people who are not present in public as they are ruling the world from behind the scenes, away from all the chaos and outrage caused by their orders. “Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they 're so frightfully clever. I 'm awfully glad I 'm a Beta, because I don 't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas

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