Childhood Vaccination Essay

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Most people think they know all they need to know about vaccinations. Not because it is something many people talk about, but the name “vaccine” leads to the definition. Vaccine is the resisting of an infection, and the killing of a disease before the body can produce it. Vaccines also have the job of boosting the immune system. A big issue the society faces is why to vaccinate children. Certain vaccines contain small weak germs that build antibodies. This type of germ is not harmful to the body. It is inside, remembering and fighting off diseases. The positive outcome of childhood vaccinations, according to national statistics and critical research studies, out way any negative side effects that might accrue. Throughout the year top diseases doctors for children organized plans that will best protect U.S. children. The plan is approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease control and Prevention, and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determining when to receive the vaccinations are between two factors. One being when the body is at a certain age to where the immune system is at its …show more content…

Vaccines have that role of eliminating the spread of diseases. “Before the Hib vaccine was developed in 1980s, there were about 20,000 cases of Hib disease in the United States a year. Today there are fewer than 100 cases” (Why Immunize Your Children). It is proven vaccines can highly reduce the symptoms if a disease is caught. Not only is the immunizing reducing symptoms of a diseases, but it is slowly stopping harmful sickness in the United States. “America’s most-feared disease, causing death and paralysis across the country, but today, thanks to vaccination, there are no reports of polio in the United States” (Five Important Reasons...). This proves the medical facts that diseases are decreasing and the U.S. is becoming less prone because of these

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