Child Soldiers In The Military

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Child Soldiers
“all across somalia, smooth hairless faces peek out from behind enormous guns. In blown out buildings children load bullets twice the size of their fingers. In neighborhoods by the sea they run checkpoints and stop four by fours trucks though they can barely see over there hoods.” That quote from new york times upfront armed and underage article shows how much of a problem child soldiers are and are becoming as the use of child soldiers becomes a more widespread practice.

Now that you realise how much of a problem child soldiers are allowed me to give you some background. Children have been in the military all throughout history but as drummer boys or the girls as chefs. This quickly evolved until boys were marching into a …show more content…

The first reason as stated by “Once children are recruted it is also difficult for them to leave because they become dependant on their commanders for drugs, alcohol money and ood.” allow me to explain this quote deeper. once they are “recruited” or in reality when they are kidnapped they are then drugged with cocaine mixed with gunpowder and if they refuse to take the drugs they are beaten or killed and sometimes both. Then after they are drugged they are forced to watch people be killed right in front of them this makes them even more dependant on the drugs and now they are dependant on alcohol in addition to be able to escape the grief so they become dependant on their commanders. The second reason why they are victimised has to do with the fate that they were forced into when they were kidnapped and the statistics about this was stated very well in the article summative essay child soldiers “ the last 10 years over 2 million children have been killed, over 1 million orphaned, over 6 million have been left seriously injured or permanently disabled and over 10 million have been diagnosed with psychological trauma.” This proves that child soldiers are victims because according to google the definition of viacom is “A person harmed injured or killed as result of a crime accident or other event or action.” and over 10 million child soldiers have been diagnosed with psychological trauma. …show more content…

They never wanted to be drugged and turned into a child soldier and once they are brainwashed with drugs and watching people be killed in front of them they are taught how to fight because they have lost everything else they ever knew so the only thing they know is how to follow orders and how to fight like stated in the article TIME magazine Hope for uganda's child soldiers? Philip Ludara states “You’re trained how to torture. You’re trained how to kill. It’s all you

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