Child Protective Services Enters The 21st Century

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In the United States of America, it is a parent's fundamental right to raise their children without state interference. Each state in the US has its own agency responsible for the protection of children. In Los Angeles, California this agency is known as DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services). This agency is responsible for responding to reports of child abuse and neglect, and the handling of adoptions. In the past social workers were responsible for assessing child abuse reports and determining whether or not a child would be detained. However, these days a computer will be handling these tasks. Computers and a system call an SDM (Structured Decision Making) will now be responsible for running a risk assessment and determining whether to remove a child.

This process starts as soon as a tip comes through the child abuse hotline. In Los Angeles county there are around 3,000 calls each week of suspected child abuse. The computer generates questions which the social worker answers based on the information from the report and allegations received. Based on these answers the computer will either add or deduct a points. The higher the score-the higher the risk level. At the end of the computer generated assessment the score is then verified by a social worker and if the level meets the legal threshold, a social worker begins an investigation. There has been criticism and argument of whether this computerized system is capable to assessing such serious situations. Social workers utilize personal experience and natural intuition, these make up a human beings decision making process which only a human can comprehend. However others say that by using the SDM, it provides more objectivity where social work...

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...rities the computer generates the an assessment of the level of risk. Since no two cases or alike, it is unlikely that what worked for one family will work for all families. Each case is unique and requires the skill and judgement only a human being can provide.

Works Cited

Drury-Hudson, J. (1999). Decision making in Child Protection: The Use of Theoretical, Empirical and Procedural Knowledge by Novices and Experts and Implications for Fieldwork Placement. British Journal Of Social Work, 29(1), 147-169.

Swift, K., & Callahan, M. (2009). At Risk : Social Justice in Child Welfare and Other Human Services. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Shlonsky, A., & Gambrill, E. D. (2001). Child and Adolescent Safety: Risk Assessment in Child Welfare. In , Child Welfare for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 302-318). Columbia University Press.

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