Child Labor During The Industrial Revolution

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During the 18 and beginning of the 19th century in certain regions of the U.S child labor made up more than 40 percent of the population (Wolensky). That’s almost half of the working population. Since the beginning of time children have always been known to help their families with domestic tasks. Most of these kids worked in factories because they were easy to control and paid less than adults. Kids earned less than half of what adults made in the work force. In these factories they usually cleaned under and inside machines while functioning because of their small size.. That’s how these kids felt as it was described in a article in our history book. They were always in danger of getting hurt or even dying, which many did. Kids as young as five year olds worked 12 hour shifts, seven times a day with no breaks or lunches. Children during this time period of the 18th and 19th century, worked just as hard as adults did and did not even get to live a regular childhood where they played outside with each other. Child labor was a big problem and the majority of kids were forced to go to work because their family needed the money to make a living in America. Child labor showed us how children worked in some of the most dangerous environments risking their lives for just a dollar a week and working as hard as adults did by doing these exhausting 12 hour shifts that tired them out.
Children during the industrial revolution worked just has hard as adults did but were treated even worse, worked the same hours and barely made enough to buy bread for their family. “By 1810, about 2,000,000 school-age children were working 50- to 70-hour weeks. Most of them came from poor families. When parents could not support their children, they sometim...

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...cieties. Because of child labor we now have all these laws that protect children from most dangerous activities that never existed back then. Now children can have fun and be kids.

Works Cited

Kenneth C. Wolensky and Judith Rich, "Child Labor in Pennsylvania" Historic Pennsylvania Leaflet No. 43(Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1998).
"Eastern Illinois University Homepage." Childhood Lost. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.
Yellowitz, Irwin. "Child Labor." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.
Wagner, Jannifer. "The History of Child Labor During the American Industrial Revolution."IHS Child Slave Labor News ::. N.p., Oct. 2002. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.
"The Industrial Revolution, 1700-1900." DISCovering World History. 1997
Student Resource Center. Framington Hills, Mich.: Gale Group. Online Database.
November 8, 2001

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