Chemical Pesticides In Silent Springs, By Rachel Carson

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Silent Springs was a book written by Rachel Carson in 1962. This book set about initiating the beginning of environmentalism movement in the United States, specifically in the west. When Rachel Carson’s book was published it created tension between the people and the government about the use of chemical pesticides. Carson’s major intent with writing this book was to inform people of the dangers that can be correlated with the use of pesticides, and how it can effect humans in addition to the organisms around us. In this book Carson describes various case studies in which she describes the harmful effects that certain chemicals are able to have on the environment. Additionally, she discusses how these pesticides have done more harm than good in getting rid of insect vectors and unwanted plant life. In her case studies she discusses many of the long term effects that chemicals such as DDT are able to have on environment, but also states the effects that these chemical can have on humans is not …show more content…

Getting into this book it is believed that the continuation of human life and the suitability of the environment is to be bleak, however it is not without hope. Mrs. Carson does indeed remind the reader that man has won great battles, such as victory against infectious diseases, a war that was thought be unstoppable at the time. In my humblest opinion Rachel Carson changed the world when she decided to write Silent Springs. In 1972 the environmental protect agency banned the use of DDT in the U.S and this was one in a chain of events that was triggered due to Silent Springs. Carson brought awareness to people that had no knowledge of the products they were using or the harm they could cause. Carson deserves respect for her contribution to mankind. Without her impact, the continued damage we could have caused to our environment would have been

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