Cheddar Cheese Antioxidant

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The antioxidant activity of about twenty types of cheeses has been investigated (Igoshi et al., 2008). Bioactive components of milk as well as cheddar cheese have less antioxidant potential before cheese ripening but after ripening it’s antioxidant potential increases especially in mould ripened cheese such as Camembert, Brie. Digestive enzymes breakdown larger peptides into tiny peptides and it was investigated that these tiny peptides have antioxidant potential because of proteolysis. Furthermore, study revealed that cheese functionality which is based on antioxidant potential is related to tea Catechin (a renowned antioxidant component) has more activity than that of carnosine i.e. synthetic antioxidant. Cheddar cheese also have antioxidant …show more content…

Cream separator will be used to separate cream to get fresh skim milk of buffalo and then will standardize the milk for 0.5% fat level and SNF (solid not fat) at 8-9% for vitamin D3 supplemented low fat manufacturing.
3.2. Apparatus
Apparatus used for analysis should be properly sterilized and cleaned. Production of good quality low fat is going to be done under hygienic and germ-free conditions. All the equipments used for analysis will be appropriately sterilized and washed. Aluminum foil or good quality plastic sheets are going to be employed for packaging.
3.3. Chemicals
Chemicals such as 98% pure Sulphuric acid, Isoamyl-alcohol, DPPH, Sodium hydroxide, Aluminum molybdate, Hydrochloric acid, Iron sulphate, Copper sulphate Potassium sulphate and Ferric chloride, required for research work, are going to be used at Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, University Of Sargodha, Sargodha.
3.4. Packaging material
For s packaging, good quality plastic sheets or aluminum foil going to be bought from native markets in Sargodha city.
3.5. Qualitative tests and fat determination of

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