Check and Balance

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America political system is one of political system that has many sensations. America political system is not built easily. We have learned about the history about America Politic. Where it has been begin, when it has been started, and who has joined to make political beginning. America constitutional was first made when The Albany Congress held. It happened in 1754. The Albany Congress talked about The Albany Plan even though this congress didn’t talk about The Albany Plan only. The Albany Plan or The Albany Plan of Union was consisted of 25 points but those points talked about the America constitutional nowadays.

The America constitution was built by four major principles. Each principle fulfill all the component of poltical and governmental system. Those principles are believed as the guideline of American political thought and for the foundation of the constitution. The four principles are the check and balance and the separations of power, federalism, limited government and judicial review. Check and balance became one of the principle of structuring the government in America, because in the big and large country as America the distribute of power is a big deal, the distribute power in america became one of the first priority, because the people of American believe in equality and balancing power.The American is also afraid of their country become a tyranny country. So they built these systems and put it into the one of these principals at constitutions. The constitution, made by government with three actions. Firstly, the constitutions decided to be divided three branches of government inside the federal government. Those are the judicial, the executive and the legislate (Kernell & Jacobson, 2003). Second, the c...

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...he presidential elections and vice president of the United States, people voting twice as many as two, namely: 1) To choose a popular presidential candidate; 2) To select delegates numbering 538 representing 50 countries eligible this bagian. So , the people's choice is only useful to determine the popularity of a candidate. The presidential, governor, and major are elected in every 4 years. The house of representative is elected in every 2 years. Senatory is elected in every 6 years (Susilo, 2014).

Works Cited

Kernell, Samuel & Jacobson, Gary. C., 2003. The Logic of American Politics. CQ press : Washington DC.

Susilo, Basis. 2014. American Political System. Delivered on American Political System class. International Departement, Universitas Airlangga. March 6th 2014.

Wasserman, Gary. 1944. The Basics of American Politics, Eleventh Edition. Pearson Longman. USA.

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