Charles Murray's Impacts Of Cultural Diversity In America

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As many would agree, America has been coming undone for quite some time. The values that were put into place at the start of an era that are considered what made our country so great, have been changing radically in the past few decades. However, as many people would agree America is coming undone just as many might say that it 's going through a vast change for the better. Learning and growing as a child, to better itself and make more opprotunities. One of the main values of American 's was based on their 'culture '. Murray writing "We maintaine a cultural equality known nowhere else in the world - for white 's anyway." (Charles Murray, 348). One of the biggest divides our country faces is a cultural divide. Saying a culture is not American …show more content…

For a long time it has been, and this has effected the people of America greatly. In his lack of evidence there are other sources with facts. Dalton writes about the Horatio Alger myth "young boys born into poverty, invariably managed to trancend their station in life by dint of hard work, persistence, initiative and daring." (Dalton, 261). Not to mention is this rarely true for people who are poverty stricken, it 's pertaining to people of all races who occasionally even in today 's society face racial aggression. Culture is based on not only where you are from, but race and ethnicity as …show more content…

Murray states that White, middle class men can no longer make a family wage. "You lived a more expensive life, but not much a different life." (Murray, 350). This statement is Generalizing the family life in America, assuming that it is still a man, woman and child when this has never been the only form of American family. Single mothers, single fathers, people living on their own or living in a large family group with more than just two generations. All of these family structures aren 't any less valid, and a family wage is different for everyone. Life is different for everyone, but that 's not a bad

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