Charles Dickens' Hard Times

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Charles Dickens' Hard Times

Many characters in the novel are victims of hard times as a result of

many factors. These include the lack of money, the education system,

the industrialisation in the area and the social injustices of the

Victorian era. The novel is divided into three books: sowing, reaping

and garnering. The names of these books have biblical references.

‘Ae ye sow, so shall ye reap’ New Testament

This means that there are consequences to all your actions, this idea

features strongly in the novel. In the first book ‘sowing’, the

actions of the characters were described for example the pragmatic

education system. In the second book ‘reaping’, the consequences of

these actions are described, and in the third book ‘garnering’, the

consequences are explored more, along with the final outcome of these


In the novel, Mr Gradgrind causes and suffers from hard times. He is a

very rigid character in addition to being ‘a man of fact and

calculations’. He causes hard times for others, including his family,

with his pragmatic education system. We discover his attitudes to

schooling from the very first chapter when he says:

‘In this life, we want nothing but facts, sir; nothing but Facts’

This concept is based upon utilitarianism. This is the idea that

nothing except useful and practical things are wanted in life, and

this causes many of Dickens’ characters hard times. They thought these

concepts would provide the greatest good for the greatest number of

people but it only benefited the rich, the poor sill suffered. He

tries to inflict this system onto Sissy but he ends up learning a

lesson from her. Towards the end of the novel he realises that he has

not given his children what the...

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...e goes on to become

a very famous author who was very critical of lives, industrialisation

and money; all of these are explored in hard times.

Finally, Dickens’ experiences as a child came out in a convincing

portrayal of what was wrong with the Victorian society. He was a

critic to his time and from his novels we can learn a great deal about

the Victorian era. Many of the characters in the novel experience hard

times as a result of many factors. Stephen Blackpool is the innocent

victim in the novel; he suffers greatly through no fault of his own.

He is kind and trustworthy yet he is abused. Other characters such as

Mrs Sparsit and Bitzer enjoy causing hard times for others. Some

suffer more than others; but Dickens uses his characters to explore

the hard times of the era. In conclusion, many of Dickens’ characters

suffer as a result of numerous causes.

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