Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

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Darwin is considered by other people as the creator of Evolution. Darwin was not the only man to arrive at the theory of evolution. Darwin came to his theory of evolution at the same time as an another man who goes by the name of Alfred Russell Wallace came to the same conclusion. Wallace being relatively unknown was not respected for having the same conclusion because the fact that people were so apt to listen to the theory’s of Charles Darwin. After time Darwin published a book On the Origin of Species, and it was a big success: it’s first printing sold out immediately and a second printing sold out a month later. Darwin’s Theories found their way out of the scientific world and into the business world, eventually ending up in everyday society.

Darwin’s father kept the family tradition and became a doctor though he didn’t like his work, he expected his son Charles to take the same sacrifice and keep doctors in the family and complained about Charles’s lack of direction. Charles wanted to set sail and see the wonders of South America, before returning to England and to become as he planned a country gentleman and parson. Darwin considered the voyage the most important experience of his life and he was right, it provided him the evidence that would change Biology. However, it also ruined his health. A bite from a poisonous insect may have been the cause of Darwin’s chronic illness later on in his life. After returning to London, Darwin became an independent scholar like his older brother, though he proved to be a much more serious naturalist. People had said that Darwin happened upon one of science’s most important theories while on his visit to the Galapagos Islands. Darwin devised no great theory until after his r...

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...idea “Survival of the Fittest” captured the imagination and strong attention of the public. This idea about survival of the fittest was applied to everything from the business world to the structure of society of a whole. Since the publication, On Origin of a Species has been closely studied by generation after generation of biologists. Many scientists have categorized and amplified theories. Making Darwin stand tall against scientists such as, Ernst Mayr, who divided his theory into the five parts.

In conclusion to Darwin and his phylosophical ways i believe that he was one of the most inspirational philosophers with his ways and theories on people and the way the world is going to be throughout revolutionary change!





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