Characteristics Of The Sons Of Liberty

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The Sons of Liberty were major fanatics and didn’t help America! They rebelled too many times and were really outrageous and crazy. They hurt America more than they helped. I believe that the Sons of Liberty were fanatics and not heroes. They loved to hurt people and violence to people and their property. The Sons of Liberty did illegal things and hated taxes. The Sons of Liberty did many illegal things before and during the revolution. One of the illegal duties they did was that they smuggled illegal resources. While the British had a tax on tea and the price was high, the Sons of Liberty smuggled in cheaper tea from Africa. With the new, illegal tea they sold it for cheaper and without a tax. Another illegal thing they did was use too much …show more content…

The Sons of Liberty were somewhat heroes too. They did help the Revolutionary War start. Without the Revolutionary War, America might still be under rule of Britain. Also, they believed in liberty and democracy. Liberty and democracy is what America is run on. However, the Sons of Liberty were still fanatics. Although the Sons of Liberty helped start the Revolutionary War, it hurt America. Americans were not ready or equipped to fight and after the war, Americans struggled with economics and government for a little while. Also, the Sons of Liberty didn’t come up with liberty and democracy themselves, the whole nation agreed to it. There are some downsides also to having a democracy, the people can pick the wrong person suited for the job because of popularity or age, not facts or what could help their country out. Therefore, the Sons of Liberty were more of fanatics than heroes. The Sons of Liberty made it hard for America and were radicals! Since they did things like tar and feather tax collectors, didn’t pay taxes, had violent protests and riots, and did lots of violence, they were fanatics that didn’t help America become a better country and nation. In conclusion, the Sons of Liberty could’ve made America great, but their tactics and barbarous actions didn’t

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