Social Anxiety Disorder Case Study

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Social anxiety disorder (also called social phobia) is a mental health condition. It is an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others. This fear can affect school, and other day-to-day activities. It can even make it hard to make and keep friends. But social anxiety disorder doesn’t have to stop a person from reaching their potential. Some of the characteristics of social phobia are restlessness or feeling wound-up on edge, being easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating or having their mind go blank, and irritability. Other characteristics are muscle tension, difficulty controlling worrying and difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or restless and unsatisfying sleep. Some children cry, have temper-tantrums or …show more content…

It focuses on encountering the fears underlying an anxiety disorder to help people take on activities they have been avoiding. Exposure therapy is used along with relaxation exercises and/or imagery by picturing it in their mind. Example a person with Social Disorder might picture his or her-self speaking in a public place. One study, is called a meta-analysis because it pulls together all of the prior studies and calculates the statistical magnitude of the combined effects, it found that cognitive therapy was superior to exposure therapy for treating social anxiety disorder (National Institute of Mental Health, …show more content…

Everyone has felt anxious or embarrassed at one time or another. For example meeting new people or giving a public speech, just to name a few. However, people with social phobia will worry about things for weeks. Most people with social phobia know that they should not be as afraid as they are, but they can not control their fears. The symptoms of this disorder can change over time, but the symptoms may flare up if a person is facing a lot of demands or stressful situations. Avoiding anxiety-producing situations may make a person feel better in the short term, but the anxiety is likely to persist over the long term if they do not seek medical

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