Characteristics Of Bureaucracy

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This article discusses about few organization theories that create a better environment for an organization. This article also try to cooperate with the word bureaucrats because people have negative perspective on bureaucratic system, complicated in many ways such as vision of red tape, full of rules and heartless bureaucrats. It is just a term to describe a form of organization, and how it is works.
In Max Weber and Classical Bureaucratic Theory, Weber discuss about interior organization of administration and he has created 8 characteristics of “ideal-type” bureaucracy which consists of hierarchical structure, unity of command, specialization of labour, employment and promotion based on merit, full-time employment, decisions based on impersonal rules, importance of written files and bureaucratic employment totally separate from the bureaucrat’s private life. Weber believes that bureaucracy was the most well-organized method than any previous version, but he also discovery that bureaucratic also has many problems. Some people critics about Weber’s work because he overemphasize on the impact of organization on workers and ignored the impact of the worker on the organization. Philip Seiznick stated that informal system of the worker also significant in organization, and Warren G. Bennis and Philip E. Slater declares that bureaucracy is outmoded, too emphasize on rigid rules and hierarchical.
Next subtopics, Taylor talks about appropriate planning of human and mechanical resources in Frederick W. Taylor and Scientific Management,. Taylor did contribute a scientific approach to work organization, which stress on important roles of managements in organization. He says that “soldiering” helps in increasing productivity which benefits ...

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...on and the office is subdivided based on three functions within the region. This form of organization responsive to regional needs but departures from national objectives and a complex form of organization. Second form of decentralization is decentralization on purpose or likely known as deconcentration, senior manager responsible for each function remaining in head office. Each branch is subdivided into region and specialize in providing only one function, it is to ensure uniformity of administration. This form is simpler than previous one, but the form lacks of coordination of the program and insensitive to regional needs.
In conclusion, all these theories created by Weber, Taylor, Gullick and Simon are to maximize the output of the organization. Workers play interchangeable functions to make an organization works better, increase the output of the organization.

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