Characteristics Of 21st Century Leadership

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There are many different characteristics and skills that a successful 21st century leader must possess. Being able to adapt to change, break boundaries and stay grounded are a few of the many skills that a success leader must have. In my school, work and community, I have had several opportunities to demonstrate my leadership skills. I very much enjoy being put in a position to lead people and I put my all into my task. When I go down to IUPUI, I plan to enhance my leadership skills to help me accomplish my personal and professional goals.
Times are changing rapidly and I believe that the most important skill that a 21st century leader must posses is the ability to adapt to change. Many leaders have this ability and when the competition adapts …show more content…

I learned that being able communicate was vital. Everybody contributed to the outcome of the show, and they ran their ideas past me. Some of the ideas were not so good, but some of the ideas were just great! Whether it was them changing up the music a bit, or them adding a visual, the ideas helped push the show forwards. One thing I learned was that personally, I need to work on staying grounded. That is a key ingredient to a great leader and I was lacking that ability. So often I allowed the stress of marching band consume me and that didn’t help anyone. I need to work on keeping my own stress to myself and not pushing it onto the people that I’m trying to …show more content…

For my personal life, I believe that in order to be a strong person, you need to be a leader. Not a follower. IUPUI is known as a school with parties and I’m totally aware of that. The reason why IUPUI is my choice is not for the people so much, but for the opportunities that I will be able to have. IUPUI is pretty much my ideal school; close to home, the medical school is on the campus, I have so many job opportunities as an undergraduate. The school is too good to pass up. However, I don’t want to get sucked into the “college social life” and I need to be a strong person to steer clear of that. I think I am a strong person and I want to encourage others to follow my same game plan. As for a professional goals, I want to become a neonatal surgeon. For surgery, it’s important to have one game plan and to have that plan executed. I want to be the head of the surgery. I don’t want to follow someone’s lead for longer than I have to. I need to be able to communicate with my nurses and with the residents that I will be working with in order to make sure that the surgery goes exactly as planned. I need to adapt to the new changes as well in order to be a great surgeon. The medical field is notorious for changing, it needs to change all the time though. Scientists are always finding new discoveries about the body and doctors are always coming up with new, more effective procedures. In order to survive in the medical field, it is

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