Characteristics And Tebits Of Giraffes

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1. Food eaten- Giraffes mostly eat plants that they are able to reach such as tall trees where they eat leaves and twigs but have been known to lick dried meat off bones.
2. Dental formula and total dentition- Giraffes have no upper incisors or canines but have a long diastema between both cheeks, the dental formula is 0:0:3:3
3. Teeth shape and size- The giraffes teeth are relatively big but also blunt so that they are able to crush there food (leaves and twigs) with a lot of strength until it is able to swallow, the bluntness is also used to help grip the leaves from the tree so that it is easier to pull the leaves and twigs off the tree.
4. Length and complexity of digestive system- the giraffes digestive system consists of 4 stomachs as one has adapted to its twigs and leaves diet. The intestine measures up to 80m in length and has a relatively small large intestine and liver. Surprisingly the gallbladder is where the giraffe’s calf grows during pregnancy but might disappear before birth.
5. pH of stomach- the pH levels of a giraffes stomach is between 4-5 with food in the stomach
6. Feeding habits – how much eaten and how often they eat- giraffes eat about 34 kilograms a day and spends most of his days eating and searching for food, at least three fourths of the day is spent looking for and eating food.

Omnivore- flamingo:

1) Food eaten – mostly small fish and insects form a Flamingo’s main diet, but are also known for eating organisms such as red algae and larval.
2) Dental formula and total dentition- people might get confused and say that the flamingo has no teeth but the long downward curved bill is known as the upper and lower mandible.
3) Teeth shape and size- the bill has little grooves in it, almost like te...

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...the animal and chew it into small chunks so that it is easier to swallow.
4) Length and complexity of digestive system- the Lions digestive system is a very simple one, much like ours the salivary glands help moisten the food so that the food can travel down the Esophagus easier, once the food is in the stomach digestion happens very rapidly due to strong stomach juices and because of the raw meat that they eat they do not use enzymes to break down the food. Small molecules of nutrients are absorbed in intestine and then the waste of that food is then excreted through the rectum and anus.
5) pH of stomach- for a Carnivore such as the lion or an omnivore the pH level in the stomach is less than or equal to 1 with food in the stomach.
6) how much eaten and how often they eat- a lion will eat about 40 kilograms in one ‘serving’ and will eat at about 5-6 times a day.

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