Character Development In The Kite Runner

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Characters are shaped by genetics, culture, and personal experience. In the case of Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, the complex character of Amir is mainly shaped by the circumstances of his life. Amir lives through episodes of diverse experiences, as a result of these experiences, his character is shaped throughout The Kite Runner. It is a story about a young boy named Amir, living in Kabul, and his progress throughout his lifespan. He undergoes stages of happiness, sorrow, and confusion as he reaches adulthood. During his childhood, Amir experiences feeling of doubt and confusion about his relationship with his father, Baba. Moreover, during the entire novel he is anxious to know the reason behind the way Baba treats Hassan, his servant.
Amir reaches maturity as he grows older. He starts to fulfil the wishes of his father in order to gain respect and show his manhood. After winning the kite tournament, he gains the status of respectable teenager and showed Baba that he is a man. After getting the kite from Hassan, Amir runs to Baba and expressed his feelings by saying "Their heads turned. Then a smile played on my father 's lips. He opened his arms. I put the kite down and walked into his thick hairy arms. I buried my face in the warmth of his chest and wept." (Hosseini 84). Amir finally won the respect of Baba, and he is acting like a man, the way Baba wants him to act. Furthermore, he made Baba proud because he shows everyone in his community that he had transitioned from a cowardly child to a respectable adult, when he won the tournament. However, the situation changes in few days, Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union and there was political instability in the country. The changing situation of Afghanistan, caused Baba and Amir to decide to leave Kabul. They first went to Peshawar and later moved to United States as refuges. During the period of exile, Amir easily adapted the changes of the new country but Baba had a difficult time to adjust to his new surroundings. During shopping, Baba breaks few items in a store because he is not having enough money to pay for oranges, Amir has to protect his by saying “ My Father is still adjusting to life

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