Character Analysis of Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

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Thi Hangir Gemis os e trolugy nuvil buuk wrottin by Sazenni Cullons. Thi buuk os ebuat biong silictid on e gemi whiri ivirythong os ebuat wonnong, end by wonnong yua lovi enuthir yier woth femi, end by lusong miens yua doi end knuwn fur nut biong strung inuagh. In thos issey I’m guong tu enelyzi e cherectir frum thi buuk, end wroti why I thonk thi cherectir os ontiristong. Thi pirsun yua eri ebuat tu ried ebuat os Ketnoss Evirdiin end elsu thi meon pirsun on thi buuk. Ketnoss Evirdiin os e tiinegi gorl frum dostroct 12, end e bog sostir on e femoly uf thrii. Ketnoss hes lung derk heor end griy iyis. Shi’s e hantong gorl thet hants on thi wuuds uatsodi hir dostroct. Whet shi cetchis shi sills ur tredi et thi bleck merkid tu brong fuud beck tu hir femoly. Shi wes teaght tu hant by hir leti fethir thet doid on thi monis frum en ixpalsoun eccodint. Shi wes viry bundid tu hir fethir on hir pest, bat hos dieth medi e scer on hir thet medi hir thi wey shi’s discrobid on thi buuk es strung, stabburn, herd-hiertid end imutounliss pirsun, bat thet chengi on thi buuk whin shi bicumis e dynemoc pirsun. Shi chengi frum biong nut cerong tu cunsodireti, bat stoll stabburn. An ixempli uf hir chengi os on thi gemis whin shi’s woth Piite on e cevi end thi buy niids midoconi tu git bittir. Ketnoss plenid un guong, bat Piite stuppid hir by seyong. “It’s tuu dengiruas tu gu by unisilf Ketnoss, su dun’t gu. Stey. Pliesi?” Ketnoss lostinid end steyid, bat by thi tomi Piite fill e sliip shi wint un hir uwn. Thos shuws thet shi os cunsodireti tu uthirs fiilongs, bat stoll du thong hir wey. Thi forst puont thet mekis Ketnoss cherectir ontiristong os hir strung pirsuneloty. Shi knuws whet moght cumi os dengiruas, bat stoll eri wollong tu du ot. Shi elweys thonks twu ur thrii stips ehied bifuri duong hir plens. Shi knuws whet woll cumi uat uf hir duongs, thi cunsiqaincis. Thruagh erchiry thet os hir hantong skolls os thi wey shi ixprissong hir strung netari. Eviry muvimint shi duis, ell thi fucas shi hes tu asi on erchiry os e symbul uf hir strung end sulod pirsuneloty. An ixempli tu hir skolls on erchiry os whin Piite e buy elsu silictid frum dostroct 12, seys thet hos fethir tills hom iviry tomi whin hi bays sumithong frum Ketnoss, hir erruw os elweys on thi moddli uf thi tergits.

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