Chapter Three : Infancy And Toddlerhood

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Chapter Three: Infancy and Toddlerhood
When my parents first bought me home they had set up a bassinet in their room. Most of the time, however, my Mom would end up having me sleep in the bed. This went on for a couple of months until my Dad rolled over on to me while sleeping. At this point, I was moved into my own room right down the hall from my parents ' bedroom. I was an extremely high-maintenance baby I wanted a lot of attention and to be held often. I would also cry for no apparent reason all the time, as my Dad likes to continually remind me of. My Mom really wanted to be able to breastfeed her children and she began to breastfeed me right away for at least five months. My Mom was part of the ninety percent of women breastfeeding their children that were younger than six months old (Victora et al., 2016). I was crying so much all the time my Mom bought me to the doctors. It was determined that I was having an adverse reaction to her breast milk and I would have to switch to formula. None of the formula in the grocery stores seemed to work for me and still made me sick. My parents eventually started importing formula from overseas. I had very little medical problems as a child aside from the issue of digesting breastmilk. Other than that my only real issues were having eczema and my hips were positioned wrong. Instead of my hips lining up with my legs and fitting together they were a little off and ended up sitting bone on bone. At the age of two my, hips were forcibly put back into place. I had to wear a brace around my hips to hold them in place and set them permanently. I was miserable to be around as a toddler I was overly dramatic about everything that happened to me and around me. I was very colicky as an infant and ...

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...was their Christmas surprise. I thought this was the best thing ever so I began telling everyone that I was Mommy and Daddy 's Christmas surprise. At the time, I did not realize that surprise meant unplanned which equated to having sex outside of marriage. My Mom eventually heard me one day telling a stranger this and quickly told me that we did not tell strangers that story. She said it was just a family story that we would share together but not with strangers this is the first time I remember my Mom being upset. I didn 't realize at the time that she wasn 't upset she was embarrassed I thought she was mad at me. I think her embarrassment on being an unwed Mom was a big factor in her deciding to marry my Dad. Once my Dad capitulated on having at least one more kid everything seemed to fall into place. My parents were finally getting married I had just turned five

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