Chapter 12: Problems In Education

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Chapter 12, Problems in Education, analyzes the many conditions that affect ones chance at receiving an education. It looks at how social class, race, gender, and geographical location can determine what type of education you will revieve or if you will even receive one. It also considers the many different types of educations and where you can receive them.

I believe education is a crucial aspect in everyone's life. Lacking an education essentially give you no way to better your life, it also leads to a cycle of poverty for you as well as your family. Your families education leads to the money they have to pay for your education. Your education leads to the job you will hold which leads to the money you will make which determines the life …show more content…

Though most people attend school as it is the traditional way of receiving an education, alternative schools and home schooling are also options (427/428). Alternative schools first started in Canada and they focuses on diversity (427). Examples of alternative schools are home schooling, and private schools, as they differ from traditional schools (427). These new schools allow students to go to schools that are not just in their district, thus, increasing diversity and allowing students to interact with others from all around the world. For example, I know a few private schools in Toronto that offer international opportunities to students around the world. They offer boarding and meal plans to ensure they have all they require. This program allows the students from Toronto as well as the students from other countries to learn from one another and explore differences. Home schooling, on the other hand is the process of keeping your child home from school and schooling them yourself (428). This form of schooling is especially beneficial for areas where schools are sparse are hard to get to. Others use this form of schooling to ensure their children are not persuaded to have non-Christian values.

All in all, this chapter discusses concepts that affect everyone at one point in their life. Education is something that everyone deserves and society needs to ensure this. Shelter, food, and water are just as important as education, as you have no way to improve your life without an education

Two group discussion questions:

1. What positive and negative impacts does home schooling have on the individual as well as society?

2. What positive and negative impacts does grade inflation and social promotion have on the individual as well as

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