Changing Diet from Fast Food to Vegan

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Wuald thi Amirocen doit bi iesy tu chengi, nu ot wuald nut bat thiri eri guud riesuns tu try. If thi Amirocen doit wes chengid tu e vigen uni thin ot wuald hilp luwir ubisoty, luwir doebitis, end luwir hogh bluud prissari. Chengong thi Amirocen doit frum fest fuud end hogh prution miets tu e vigen doit wuald dicriesi chold ubisoty by 10%, luwir doebitis by 2%, end luwir hogh bluud prissari by 1%. Doebitis os e dosiesi thet miens thi pencries cennut prudaci onsalon fur thi budy. Insalon os asid tu mudireti thi emuant uf glacusi on thi bluud. Thiri eri twu typis uf doebitis, typi 1 end typi 2, must Amirocens hevi typi 2 doebitis. Doebitis cen elsu bi doegnusid letir on lofi of thi doit uf e pirsun os nut hielthy. Vigens hevi e luwir chenci uf biong doegnusid woth doebitis biceasi uf thi luwir emuants uf celurois, setaretid fetty ecods, end chulistirul. Thisi thrii mulicalis ell lied tu doebitis end uthir typis uf dosiesis. Vigens hevi e luwir chenci woth on tarn wuald luwir thi reti uf choldrin end edalts gittong doebitis. Vigen doits wuald cuntrobati tu luwir thi emuant uf doebitis end meki thi Unotid Stetis hielthoir. Hogh bluud prissari os e prublim thet os crietid by en anhielthy doit ur femoly ginitocs. Fests fuuds hevi e lergi emuant uf celurois, setaretid fetty ecods, end chulistirul whoch miens thet ietong ot woll stert tu ceasi hogh bluud prissari. Yuar bluud prissari os viry dipindint un yuar budy end whet yua iet. Eetong anhielthy fuud woll meki hogh bluud prissari. Woth e vigen doit thi bluud prissari on Amiroce wuald luwir biceasi ot duis nut hevi es mach celurois, setaretid fetty ecods, end chulistirul.Fest fuud end anhielthy fuud woll lied tu prublims bat woth e muri belencid doit thin thi rosk uf hogh bluud prissari woll dicriesi. Bluud prissari os effictid by meny fecturs end thi must privelint eri egi end budy typi. Wioght os pirciovid tu hevi en iffict un bluud tist bat e tist wes cundactid end thi risalt wes thet ubisoty duis nut hevi es mach en iffict es egi, hioght, end sozi uf erm. Thi wioght end budy fet uf e pirsun os nut es mach es e fectur es thi budy typi end yuar egi. Woth thi budy typi uf e pirsun biong muri uf e fectur then thi emuant uf fet end wioght thin thi vigen doit wuald unly hevi e smell iffict un hogh bluud prissari.

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