Century Connectoe

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Century Connector
Issues relevant in the 19th and 20th century remain dominant in the modernizing society today. Through the influential literature during that period of time, adolescents of this generation are reminded about the aspects of living a moral life. Classic pieces of literature such as “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Great Expectations” remain popular and relevant in the society today because they express these universal messages to young adults. These novels center around the issues that connect with teenagers and people of the 21st century. “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Great Expectations” have lasted to this day, because they address relatable aspects, including prejudice, the divide of social class, and revenge and hatred.
Throughout the courses of these literary works, the prejudice towards certain characters is impactful in the maturation of main characters, Scout and Pip. Despite the the advanced world today, prejudice remains one of the most dominant issues. In “Great Expectations,” Pip is given the opportunity to travel to London and pursue his dream of becoming a ‘gentleman.’ For the majority of this time, he believes that Mrs. Havisham is his benefactor, turning him into a gentleman so that he may win the love of his life, Estella. However, Pip is quickly shocked when he finds out that Magwitch is his benefactor. At first, Pip is embarrassed and ashamed, and tries to abandon Magwitch. His concern towards Magwitch eventually increases, and Pip works towards saving his life. Pip’s situation illustrates prejudice as he judged Magwitch based on his past, and his problems regardless of the assistance that Magwitch has provided for him. On the other hand, in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” the town of Maycomb disregards ...

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... the world as people fail to accept their fails. This reminds young adults about the importance of accepting mistakes and learning from them for a better future. This concept of revenge and impulsivity, widely affected the plot and character development, and it as also affected the lives and characters of people today.
Literary works of the 19th and 20th century remain relevant today due to the relating aspects of prejudice, division of social class, and revenge and hatred. These novels teach adolescents about the importance of equality, and acceptance towards themselves and others. It also illustrates the aspect of maturation and growing up and responsibility that comes along with that. These literary works provide young adults with a broader perspective regarding their own lives and they will continue to remain popular for many more generations of adolescents.

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