Cell Transport Essay

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Transport across cell membrane involves molecules getting in and out of cell, water is one of the major components of cells, we can find water in cytoplasm and in cell sap, this water contains many breaks up substances and these substance plus water enter and leave the cell through the cell membranes. The development of a cell membrane could allow some materials to pass while blocking the passage of other molecules which is the major evolution of the cell.
Transport across cell membranes also occurs by actively or passively. Active transport require to utilise cellular energy which exist in potential and kinetic in the form of ATP, in other to make use of protein pumps or engage actively, endo/exocytosis passive transport take place with …show more content…

A cell is selectively permeable meaning some substances can pass directly through the cell membrane while others substances cannot. However molecules get in and out of enter cell through three processes by osmosis, diffusion and active transport.

Osmosis – Can be said as a movement of water from higher to lower semi permeable membrane, such as a cell wall when it’s smaller the molecules continue to diffuse until the area which the molecules are found reaches a state of equilibrium, such as the investigation of the effect of sucrose solution on mass of potatoes. If the water concentration going inside the tissue of plant cell is higher than the water concentration in the solution, then the cell we lose water through osmosis. This will cause it to shrink and make the plant cell to be in a state of plasmolysis. Also as the potatoes was in distil water solution it could make the cell to swell up as Water moves into the cell vacuole and pushes against the cell wall eventually the cell contains as much water as it can hold the strong cell wall stops the cell busting and when this happen it is said to be turgid. This explains the definition of osmosis, osmosis is a particular type of diffusion involving water molecules, it occurs when two solutions are separated by semi permeable

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