Cell Essay: The Human Cell

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The Human Cell
Although humans are very complex animals, the cell is the most basic component of the human body. Humans cannot survive without the cells because they are the most basic form of human life. There are two types of cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are single celled organisms without membrane bound organelles that also have their genetic material floating outside a membrane bound nucleus. A eukaryotic cell is a cell with its genetic material housed within a membrane bound nucleus as well as other membrane bound organelle. Human cells are eukaryotic cells. The purpose of the cell in humans is to provide structure and convert nutrients from the food that we eat into smaller particles that the body can use …show more content…

Only eukaryotic cells contain a cell nucleus, and each cell only has one nucleus. The nucleus takes up about 10% of the cell’s space, which is the most recognizable feature within a cell. The cell nucleus has a double membrane of its own called the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope has nuclear pores on it to allow only specific items such as RNA and proteins to pass through the nucleus. When the cell is not going through reproduction or in its resting state, the nucleus contains chromatin. Chromatin contains DNA, RNA and nuclear proteins (Harold). The DNA is tightly packed into the chromatin with …show more content…

Lysosomes are made by the Golgi Apparatus, and their function is to get rid of all of the toxins within the cell so that humans are left only with items that the cell needs. Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes that break up material that is harmful to the cell or material which the cell does not need. The lysosomes will also clean up any dead organelles that are in the cell. The ways the lysosomes work to clean up the cell is by surrounding the material that is not needed, break it down into smaller molecules such as proteins or lipids and spits them out of the cell or recycle the parts and make a new organelle

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