Celebrating Easter in Romania

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One of the most important religious holidays in Romania is Easter, the annual festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on a Sunday on changeable dates between March and April. Usually it is a week after the Catholic Easter. In Romania, the Christian Church says that Jesus was born during the winter solstice and his death followed by his resurrection happened during the spring equinox.

Everyone, rich or poor, dresses in their best clothing; some are dressed in national costumes and attend to the midnight church service. Candles are lit from the priest to each person throughout the service, solemnly utter “Jesus Christ has resurrected” and sing prayers. After the service there is a multitude of flaring lit candles- a most uplifting and touching sight – where people clink Easter eggs with beautiful dyed or exquisitely painted shells.

Romanians paint eggs especially in red, symbolizing the blood of Jesus, but in many regions of Romania, painting and decorating Easter eggs is a real art. They are decorating the eggs with folk motifs symbolizing renewal a...

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