Causes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Post traumatic stress disorder focus primarily on the way that the mind is affected by traumatic experiences. At least 50% of all adults and children are exposed to a psychologically traumatic event they either have been through war or have witnessed a death, threat to their life, bad accident, a bad natural disaster such as earthquake, tornado etc. PTSD is linked to structural neurochemical changes in the central nervous system which may have a direct biological effect on health, vulnerability to hypertension and atherosclerotic heart disease. How to cope with PTSD, as for myself I tend to avoid things that remind me of my event. I have tried talking to a counselor and to me I was having more difficulty letting go or dealing with it. So I decided to take the path of avoiding, such as not talk about it or do things that remind me of what happen. I always thought that if I go to a mental health to seek help I would be crazy. I also thought why I should tell someone who has no idea how I am feeling. I have been very stubborn to want to share with professionals. I have tried and it just made me think about it more and I would get angry with myself and give up on the therapist. As for dreams that I have about it I have no control I have to deal and when I wake up in the morning I have a rough day and think about that dream over and over and I feel like I am so low that I don’t have to be on the ground laying down. Another way I cope is if I am feeling a moment coming I will dance it off, or workout. I also let myself have a good cry to help with a lot of the emotion. However, I have a lot of ways to cope it’s a matter of having to do this forever. However when the anxiety comes it hits hard and to cope with that I really... ... middle of paper ... you have been going through they are there to help you and your there because you want the help so just be honest and open about everything. Works Cited 1. Post- Trauma Stress, Frank Parkinson, Published by Sheldon Press 2. Coping with Post Trauma Stress, Frank Parkinson, Published by Sheldon Press 2010 3. Gary Craig, Published Energy Physiology Press 2010 4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Guide, National Institute of Me 5. ntal Health, 6. WebMD, 7. eMedicine, 8. Medline plus, 9. Focus Adolescent services,

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