Causes Of The Nullification Crisis

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The American Civil War was a time of great social and political dismay. This was mainly due to the unrest of planters in the South; these farmers would have a great say in the social, political and economic development of the United States during the 19th century. Due to the widespread of technology in the Northern states, slaves were seldom used. This led to the popular decision to outlaw slavery in the North. The south however was not in agreement with the North on the issue of slavery. Ultimately the social and political unrest in the United States angered both the North and South irreconcilably. This debate led to many different battles within government including but not limited to, the linear infringement of state rights through the 1800’s. …show more content…

The crisis consisted of the passing of two nationwide tariffs, the Tariff of Abominations and the Tariff of 1833. The Tariff of Abominations was designed to protect northern and western industry from competing foreign imports, however; this tariff led to a higher cost of living in the South and it would also lead to less profits for New England’s industrialists. The South was particularly against the Tariff of Abominations so the Tariff of 1833 was later passed by Vice President Calhoun (S.C native) in an attempt to resolve the conflict. Through the initial conflict Calhoun anonymously wrote a doctrine called the South Carolina Exposition and Protest, which brought forth the idea of nullifying the Tariff of Abomination. It stated that the tariff was null and thus void in South Carolina. It declared that: “With these views the committee are solemnly of impression if the system be persevered in, after due forbearance on the part of the State, that it will be her sacred duty to interpose her veto,”(Calhoun) The Southern state didn 't need the protection the tariffs granted because their economy was very stable due to the cotton production. Consequently, the tariffs only hindered their foreign trade and did little to benefit …show more content…

This made slave owners more and more distressed as their financial future depended on the slave 's labor. In August of 1831, a slave by the name of Nathaniel Turner incited a revolt against white slave owners that took hold of many plantations in southern Virginia. The deployment of private troops held back the uprising after it went on for 48 hours. Turner and about fifty other slaves were tried in court and sentenced to death for their actions. This led to the lynching of nearly two hundred more African American slaves by local mobs. Turner’s uprising was the most ferocious. This also led to politicians in Virginia to impose laws withholding the civil liberties of free African Americans as well as prohibiting education amongst the black

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