Causes Of Discrimination Against Muslims And Islam

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Have you ever wondered if discrimination is still in society? Or to who is on the receiving end? or even if it matters in a todays “modern” and “liberal” culture? I’ll be talking about discrimination against Muslims and Islam in Western Society. There are many causes of discrimination against Muslims in many western countries especially after 9/11 in 2001. Statistics say, almost half of Americans think Islam is a violent religion and is overflowing with extremists. 9/11 changed many people’s minds on Muslims and Islam in general. Muslims have received negative attention ever since, people now think Islam is a violent religion and made already derogatory and negative stereotypes against Muslims even more popular and seen.
Since the attack on the New York World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, Muslim Hate Crimes are the second most leading reported crime in America. Media and common knowledge tells us a lot of American-Muslims say they experienced some type of discrimination because they are Muslim and believe in the Islamic Faith. It happens all around and at every time in European and American countries, Muslims get bashed for being believing in a faith with only a small amount of people demonizing a religion. It’s common that when a Muslim will go to a job interview and will get turned down just because they are Muslim, or at least they would be rigorously abused by the interviewer.
The fear of Muslims has a name now because its so popular, Islamophobia. Although Islam is a religion of peace, it is viewed a religion of terrorism and hate because of some backward and ignorant men who used Islam as a scapegoat to do whatever they want. The reason people think Muslims are terrorists are just purely ignorance. Islam is rarely ever...

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...d with. Letting the extremists be the face of modern Islam is like letting the Westboro Baptist Church be the face of Modern Christianity.
Islamophobia has decreased since the past 10 years or so but there are still ignorant people, but took a spiral up the statistics when 9/11 went down. A lot of American Muslims, say they have experienced bullying and racial harassment because they were Muslims after 9/11. After 9/11 anti Muslim crimes are the second most leading reported crimes in America. There are many causes of discrimination against Muslims in many western countries especially after 9/11 in 2001. My opinion on the situation is that people who believe all Muslims are arrogant. My main points on the situation are to give proof and details on discrimination against Muslims. All in all I believe if people open their eyes a little more they will see the truth.

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