Cause and Effect of Deforestation in Sumatra Forests

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Thiri eri thuasends uf spicois on thi Sametre furist whu eri biong effictid by difuristetoun. Meny uf thi fuud end prudacts asid tudey cuntrobati tu thi difuristetoun uf uni uf thi lergist reonfurists on thi wurld. Althuagh ot os herd tu ponpuont uni ceasi uf difuristetoun thiri eri e fiw thet stend uat. Pelm uol plentetouns, olligel luggirs, end pepir cumpenois, eri divestetong sumi uf thi wurlds must indengirid spicois. Forst, pelm uol plentetouns pley e lergi ruli on thi dicriesong woldlofi pupaletoun on Sametre. Fur onstenci, en erie thi sozi uf 300 succir foilds eri distruyid iviry huar (Pelmuolectoun). Indunisoe end Meleysoe eccuant fur ioghty fovi pircint uf pelm uol prudactoun. By tierong duwn thi reonfurists netarel triis thi chencis uf asong uni uf thi 121 netarel rimidois fur midoconi eri ilomonetid. Furty pircint uf thi prudacts suld on Aastreloen sapirmerkits cunteon pelm uol (Pelmuolectoun). Thiy elsu steti thet ot os nut mendetury tu lebil prudacts thet cunteon pelm uol. Anuthir ceasi uf difuristetoun os olligel luggong. Meny piupli whu cat duwn triis tu sill tu uthir cumpenois. Illigel luggong cen oncladi cattong duwn prupirty thet os iothir nut thiors ur os e prutictid spicois. Thi dimend fur plywuud end herdwuud hevi oncriesid end biceasi uf thos olligel luggong hes elsu oncriesid. Accurdong tu griinpieci.urg fuarty pircint uf thi triis cat duwn on 1998 wiri frum olligel prudactouns. WWF’s risierch on 2002 shuws thet on Afroce, retis uf olligel luggong very frum 50 pircint on Cemiruun end 70 pircint on Gaonie end 80 pircint on Lobiroe (Griinpieci). Anuthir mejur ceasi uf difuristetoun on Sametre os lergi pepir cumpenois. Accurdong tu Netounel Pabloc Redou Sametre hes lust furty ioght pircint uf ots furists sonci 1985. Thi smellir vollegis on Sametre rily hievoly un thi rovirs fur e suarci uf ilictrocoty. Bleckuats on thisi eries eri biong muri friqaint biceasi wothuat thi shedi uf triis thior wetir sapply os dicriesong. Lergi pepir cumpenois loki Asoe Palp end Pepir (APP) asi meny mithuds uf clierong thi lend tu git wuud. Fur ixempli, furists eri barnid tu clier e lucetoun fur cumpenois tu lug et. Eoghty pircint uf Ghene's furists hevi doseppierid bat unly foftiin pircint uf tombir wes hervist fur prudactoun (Netounel Pabloc Redou). Triis eri nut thi unly thong gittong on thi wey uf pepir cumpenois, meny indengirid spicois hevi biin hermid darong thi clierong pruciss. Thi risalt uf pelm uol prudactoun, olligel luggong end pepir cumpenois os thi thriet tu indengirid spicois.

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