Cause Of Civil War Essay

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A Guide To The Various Complex Causes Of The Civil War

The American Civil War was an extraordinarily destructive tragedy that divided the nation and claimed more than 600,000 lives. This has led many to ask, “what caused the Civil War?” As is often the case, there is no single answer to what ultimately led the nation into war. Rather, the stage for the Civil War developed over decades and involved complex economic interests, political issues, and cultural and regional disagreements between the Northern and Southern States of the United States.
In the years leading up to the Civil War, tensions between the Northern and the Southern States increased, as their respective economic interests grew further apart. Shortly after the Revolutionary …show more content…

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the election on a platform pledging to keep slavery out of the western territories. Lincoln narrowly won a majority of the electoral votes and only received 40% of the popular vote (Gruver 367). Following the election of Lincoln, seven southern states seceded from the Union and formed a new nation, the Confederate States of America (Robertson 26-27). After the inauguration of Lincoln as President, South Carolina bombarded federal troops in Fort Sumter and forced its surrender (Robertson 27-28). After the attack on Fort Sumter, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina joined the Confederate States of America (Collins 154). In response, President Lincoln called upon the states to provide 75,000 volunteer soldiers to shut down the rebellion (Robertson 28). As of April 19, 1861, the United States of America was a nation at war with itself.
The Civil War was the result of a complex mix of divergent economic interests, irreconcilable political issues, and regional disagreements between the North and South. These factors developed and progressively deteriorated over the decades setting up the kindling for the war to begin. The election of Abraham Lincoln and the secession of the Southern States were the sparks that set the nation ablaze and at war against itself. The Civil War started and resulted in the bloodiest four years in American

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