Cause And Effects Of Bioterrorism

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In the “Merrian-Webster” dictionary, bioterrorism is defined as “terrorism involving the use of biological weapons.” In other words, an individual that uses living organisms to harm one or more individuals. These cases of bioterrorism may be intentional or accidental.
Countries have used bioterrorism to affect other countries for power. Back in 2002, after the September 1, 2001, when two planes came crashing in the twin towers in New York and another one crashing into the pentagon in Washington D.C. After the terrorist attack happened people in some people in congress received mail that contain anthrax, a chemical that would get in the lungs of the victim and cause respiratory problems. President George W. Bush then signed The Bioterrorism Act of 2002. The act helped control bioterrorism, yet there are still some individuals that go against the act and still attack other countries including the United States.
Yersinia pestis (plague) is an example of bioterrorism. This disease has caused several deaths for the past 2,000 years in Europe and in Asia. In the 14th century it was called the Bubonic plague, better known as “the Black Death.”
Plague has three stages, Bubonic, Septicemic and Pneunomin. The first few days, the bubonic stage takes place and that is after the individual has been infected. The symptoms that are given off are fever, headache, weakness, pains in the upper leg and groin, white tongue, rapid pulse, slurred speech, confusion and fatigue. At day three, throbbing inflammation of the lymph glands from the armpits, neck and groin happen resulting in “buboes.”
The plague then develops to Septicemic plague which causes bleeding under the skin causing the skin to turn purple, giving a bruise color. The area where...

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...t for them to guide you in disposing the carcass. When doing outdoor activities, make sure to wear repellent to avoid getting bit by fleas. Wear long sleeve shirts and pants and bug spray that contains DEET. Finally, try to keep your pets free from fleas by using flea control (animal safe) repellents and keep them away from areas that are potential to being affect.
If a person wanted to wipe out an entire population by using the plague, they will become successful since it can be transmitted really easily and a person can die within days. If a person that comes infected does not know the symptoms that the plague gives out and thinks nothing may happen so they leave it alone, within days the person will die. All physicians say that if swelling starts to occur in the neck, armpits or groin areas seek immediate medical attention so that the infection can be taken of.

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