Creative Writing On Catamorphosis

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My Morning started like any other; My alarm went off, I got out of bed, and headed straight to the bathroom. Half-awake and still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I must have gotten lost because I stepped right into the cats litter box. YUCK!

Something felt like it was caught in the back of my throat. “HACK, HACK”, I tried to clear it out, but I needed something to drink. I knelt down and took a couple of sips from my cats bowl before I was startled by the reflection looking back at me from the water. I WAS MY CAT!!

Thinking back to last night, before bed and my mom was yelling at me about my responsibilities to my cat. “Feed your cat, give her water, and change the litter. How would you like it if no one did anything for you?” she scolded me. Once I finished my chores, I sat there, at the edge of my bed with the cat …show more content…

I feasted on the breakfast scraps that were left out on the table; a bitten piece of toast, left-over scrambled eggs, and the milk from a cereal bowl. I cant remember the last time something tasted so good. After my belly was full I curled up on the couch and made myself comfortable.

The blaring television startled me awake from my cat nap. Before I knew what was happening, a giant behind was backing up in my direction. It was my grandma and it was already too late. I was trapped underneath her and no matter how much I screamed or hissed, clawed or scratched, nothing was working. There was only one more thing I could think to do. It was my last resort and I really didn't want to, but I closed my eyes and bit my grandmother in the butt.

“YOWWWW!” She screamed, jumping high into the air. I struggled to catch my breath as I scrambled to my feet and took off for my room. My grandmother was chasing after me and she missed me by only inches with a swing of her cane. “BAD KITTTYY!!” she yelled behind

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