Catalase Lab

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The Effects of pH on Catalase Activity
Problem and introduction:
Catalase is an enzyme in living plants and animals that speeds up the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The breakdown of hydrogen peroxide is essential to living organisms because hydrogen peroxide is toxic to cells. The chemical reaction for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is having the substrate hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by the enzyme catalase to produce the products, water and oxygen. What effect does pH have on the enzyme catalase and its ability to decompose H2O2?

As the pH gets further away from the pH of 7, the enzyme catalase will decompose more hydrogen peroxide and more bubbles will form.

Catalase solution at 400 units/mL
10 test tubes
Distilled water
Hydrogen peroxide
Buffer pH 5 …show more content…

Verify that the pH is approximately 3 or lower.
Add 1 mL of NaOH to tubes 8 and 10. Verify that the pH is approximately 11 or higher.
Add 1 mL of the buffer solutions as indicated in Table 3.
Your instructor may ask you to verify that the buffers produce the indicated pH. If so, use pH paper to measure the values for each solution and record them in Table 3.
No catalase is added to tubes 1, 3, 9, or 10.
Add catalase to tubes 2 and 4-8 according to Table 3.
Add hydrogen peroxide to tube 3. After adding hydrogen peroxide, swirl the solution gently and immediately record in Table 4 qualitative changes in the bubbling intensity of oxygen production on a scale of 0 (no bubbling) to 5 (vigorous bubbling).
Repeat step 11 for each remaining solution.
After you have gathered your data for all 10 tubes, record in Table 4 your explanation for the results of the catalase activity in each of the tubes.
Clean your work area and materials. Follow your instructor’s directions concerning the disposal of waste solutions containing HCl and NaOH.

Table 3: Experimental Conditions to Test the Effects of pH on Catalase Activity
Distilled Water

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