Catalase Activity Experiment

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Catalase Activity Experiment

Aim: to find out if different concentration of hydrogen peroxide

release different amounts of oxygen when in contact with catalase


Risk assessment: Hydrogen peroxide is corrosive and can therefore

irritate the skin and damage the eye if it comes into contact with

these. To prevent this extra caution must be taken to avoid contact

with the skin and goggles should be worn while carrying out the

experiments. Other sharp implements such as the scalpel used for

cutting the potato can be dangerous if the sharp side comes into

contact with the skin as it could cut it.

Prediction: I predict that as the concentration of the hydrogen

peroxide decreases, so will the level of oxygen produced. I think this

will happen due to collision theory. The collision theory is based on

the principle that for a reaction to occur the reacting molecules must

collide with each other with enough energy to react. The higher the

temperature the more energy the molecules will have and the faster

they will move, increasing the number of collisions and the chance

that the collisions will lead to a reaction. In terms of enzymes, we

are trying to get the substrate to collide with the enzyme and for the

enzyme-catalysed reaction to take place. Again, the higher the

temperature the more likely there will be effective collisions.

Fair test: The best way to ensure that the experiment is fair is to

make sure that the conditions are exactly the same for all the

different concentrations. Another way to ensure more accurate results

is to take repeat readings and then average out the answers so the

results are exact. The temperature of the water also affects how well

the enzyme works. Enzymes cannot function as well in a temperature

that is too hot or cold from their natural temperature. Using a

thermometer is important to keep this temperature constant. The slices

of potato should also be measured to be the same length so that amount

of catalase stays constant.

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