Casey Lucas: The Journey Of The Chosen One

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The Journey of the Chosen One
Once there was a man named Casey Lucas. He had a younger brother Michael Lucas, and they lived in the land of Florida. Casey was special; he was born on February twenty-ninth, a leap year. He is psychic and also the son of the King; his name was George Lucas. He was a good leader but a few people did not want him to be ruler such as Arthur Ramos. Arthur would do anything to be the leader of Florida even if it meant killing the king. One day Arthur confronted George Lucas and he killed him with poison. So the day later when everyone found out about George Lucas’s death, his wife Kimberly decided to marry Arthur Ramos and Ramos was the leader the next day. When Casey found out about what happened he went to his brother Michael and they started talking and Casey said, “There is something off about this, why would father kill himself?’ Michael replied, “I don’t know maybe he was in trouble.” Casey said, “I can sense that someone killed our dad and I think I know who it was.” Michael asked, “Who?” and Casey said, “The new king.” Then Michael asked, “How do you know this?” Casey replied, “Because I am psychic.” and Michael said sarcastically, “Oh right that thing.” Casey said, “You still do not believe me; I can prove it I am sensing that we will find our answers at the top of Mount Everest.” Then Michael said, “You have got to be kidding me.” Then Casey pleaded, “Please help me with this quest I think mom is in danger, we need to go to Mount Everest there is someone at the top that can prove that Arthur Ramos is the killer.” Michael replied “I will do it, not for you but for mother and what you are saying right now is true then we better hurry. First we need to book the next plane to Nepal, stat.”

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... on speaker phone so that everyone could know who killed George Lucas. Arthur Ramos appeared in the room and he said, “What is this atrocity and why did not Anthony and his men kill you?” Casey replied, “Because I killed them all,” and Arthur took out his sword and started attacking Casey. Then Casey knocked Arthur to the ground with one hit from his Frisbee and while he was on the ground Casey said, “Lock him up in the dungeon forever!” Then, the guards grabbed him and took him down to the dungeon. Then Casey was named the king of Florida and was a very good king and nobody ever disliked him. Casey was happy that Arthur never hurt his mother and his mother became a mentor to Casey until she died. For his loyalty Michael was named the king of Disneyworld. So Casey remained king until he died and everyone remained in harmony never to have any danger in Florida again.

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