Case of a Women with Multiple Myeloma Analysis

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A 73-year old female presented to St Vincents Emergency Department, with a 3 week history of progressive dyspnoea, cough, and lethargy, on a background of a 6-year history of Multiple Myeloma. Just prior to presentation, she had also developed a fever.

In terms of her presenting complaint, she described herself as an active lady, who ran her own pub, but her recent symptoms rendered her unable to carry out her normal activities, such that her husband recommended she should go to hospital.

Following subsequent investigations, she was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia and empyema, and was admitted. Once stabilized, she underwent a left thoracotomy with decortication. As a result 2 drains were inserted, with each draining serosanguinous fluid. The plan is to remove these once they have drained < 20 ml in 24 hours.

Past medical history:

• Multiple Myeloma

Past surgical history:

• Autograft bone marrow transplant

• Fibroidectomy


• No known drug allergies

• Dexamethasone

• Cenalidamide

• Zolpiden

• Valiclovir

• Paracetamol

• Oxynorm

Social history:

• ...

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