Case Study Summary: Charlie Bothuell V.

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Charlie Bothuell V, a 12 year old boy who lives in Detroit, was locked in the basement of his home by his step-mother and tortured by his biological father who made him do ridiculous amounts of strenuous exercise on a daily basis. He was also denied basic necessities such as food and water. Charlie recently told police that his step-mother barricaded him behind boxes and told him 'not to come out, ‘no matter what he hears’, and threatened “to make him disappear’. The exact exercise regime was 200 sit-ups, 100 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, 25 curls on each arm with a 25-pound weight and thousands of revolutions on an elliptical machine in under and hour. It was also discovered that Charlie’s dad assaulted him with a bloody PVC pipe. Charlie revealed that he was abused the entire two years that he lived with his father. Both adults claim that the allegations are untrue, however doctors agree that Charlie’s injuries are consistent with abuse.
Charlie was found by the FBI, hiding and hungry in a storage closet in the basement that would normally only be accessed by maintenance workers, after being missing for 11 days. His biological mother tells interviewers that she sent Charlie to live with his father because his school grades were declining and the father wanted to home school him. Apparently the father kept very strict rules and those expectations may have opened the door to the abuse that took place.

‘Charlie has never said anything about any
Again, we can only imagine what the home life was for the father-turned-abuser pre-divorce but marital problems do further incline a person to abuse. In trying to understand the psychology of abuse and crime we must consider as many options that seem plausible, those which hold some amount of validity in the actual abusers life as certain details will vary case to

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