Case Study: Patient And Psychiatrist Way Of Living

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Patient and Psychiatrist Way of Living When thinking about society and how the world is ever changing, one such idea never changes and that is the view society has on the mentally ill. People strive to be accepted into this society, and to be a part one must be of the majority. Being mentally ill causes misfortune on themselves and people around but Psychiatrists are a profession that can study and treat the mental disorder people have. A person in society never wants to stand out negatively. They believe that to succeed, one must be normal and having a mental disorder is a setback. For example anxiety disorder can cause people to be unable to interact in the outside world. Conversation and interaction are some key points to living in a normal …show more content…

When looking for jobs, people more than likely will choose the person without a mental illness because the stability is clear unlike the mental ill. Even working in a group environment calls for teamwork and communication, which most common mental disorder lack the ability to perform. Leading to another case on mental ill which effected a person in society was by the musician Clive Wearing. Clive mental illness is retrograde amnesia which is the lack of ability to configure new memories. This mental illness caused damage to the central nervous system, damage to the hippocampus, and damage to the frontal lobe. From this he can’t recall ever learning piano but he can still play it in the moment until he stops. He remembers having children and name of foods but not there name or taste. Clive is a patient of this society. Before the mental illness he was normal and fit into the criteria of society, but now people put Clive below into a category of disturbances. Society should have more of an open mind on the mentally ill. Normal people should put themselves in their place and see how it feels to be treated as an outcast. If society can learn this way of acceptances, then the

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