Case Study Of The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy also known as the CBT connects cognitive and behavioral factors within the therapeutic process. CBT also has a strong systematic effort to treat client’s mood and anxiety disorders. Researchers found that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy primarily purpose is to change emotions that are difficult to change, targeting emotions through changing thoughts and behaviors that contribute to distress. (JEFFREY A. CULLY, 2008) CBT is a problem focused for clients and it help individuals see the relations between their beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behavior actions. With the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy people become knowledgeable with their perceptions of specific influences. Goals and Interventions Cognitive Behavioral therapy is a traditional therapeutic approach that contains goals and interventions based on observable behaviors and cognitive thinking. Several goals of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are to reduce behavioral stress and decrease psychological distress of experiences, to explore the relations with clients on their thoughts on their problems and to help them improve their mood and become self-efficient. These goals apply to Ana’s case because she needs therapy to change her thought process and her form of thinking. Other goals indicators include positive reinforcement of behavior and changes of feeling outcomes. These goals apply to Ana’s case as well because she displays significant depression and anxiety. Interventions methods include the client and therapist working together to
Typically, this therapy lasts between 5 to 20 sessions, over weekly sessions or bi weekly sessions. This is somewhat in sequence with Ana’s insurance restriction because they have authorized eights sessions. Which will last about 8 weeks, or 4 depending on how many times her and the counselor agree to set the session

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