Case Study Of Julia's Change In School

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Currently, Julia is going through prepuberal changes. She is increasingly aware of internal and external changes in her body. In addition, her behavior changes with the seasons. During Christmas season, Christmas Carols dominate her stereotyped behaviors of singing and repeating scripts from TV shows. Also, lack of playground time during the winter season affects Julia’s sensorimotor organization.
Proximal level. The yearly school calendar and the seasons influence Julia’s participation in school activities. The school begins in September and ends in June. The seasonal themes are seen in the school and classroom activities. Also, playgrounds are closed during most of the winter due to cold weather. Therefore, the students are confined …show more content…

The immediate and proximal culture of the school focuses on education and end products rather than the experience of learning, participation, and engagement. The activities in the classroom mainly include writing and reading. In addition, Julia’s educational goals stress on decreasing her maladaptive behaviors.
Personal context. Julia needs constant verbal or physical cues to attend or engage in an activity. Also, she presents with decreased attention span and ability to follow directions. These issues also affect her ability to participate in classroom activities, leisure, play, and social interactions. She participates in most classroom activities to earn tangible rewards or the teacher’s attention and affection.
Temporal context. Julia has no control over her routines, pace or order of her occupations or activities. Adults direct most of her routines at the school and home. In addition, she has difficulty transitioning from one activity to another and adjusting to changes in the daily routines. Furthermore, the seasonal changes also influence Julia 's occupations and behaviors. During the winter season, at home and in the school, Julia receives fewer opportunities to engage in gross motor activities. During this time, Julia shows an increase in self- stimulatory behaviors and behavioral disorganization and a decline in participation in school activities and …show more content…

However, the Occupational Adaptation (OA; Schkade & Schultz, 1992) framework stresses on facilitating the person’s “adaptiveness” or occupational adaptation to improve the person’s occupational performance and functional skills. In addition, occupation and adaptation are seen as integrated constructs with a non-hierarchical relationship. Occupations are not just products of the transaction between the person and environment but necessary for adaptation to occur. Also, all three components, the person, environment, and interactions between the two, are equally important in facilitating occupational adaptation. However, these components are compromised in Julia and influence her perception of occupational demands, occupational responses, and occupational

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