Case Study Essay

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In the first assignment of Research Skills (Studio Pathway), we have to explain some terms in research. Every student has to choose 5 terms. 5 research terms that interested me are Case Study, Literature Review, Primary Source, Secondary Source, and Survey. Case Study Is a deeper analysis and understanding of a particular matter, person, group or situation during a period of time. Rather than just based on numbers and statistics, case study is more a detail investigation to the research object. To make an in-depth analysis in the particular research object, usually by collecting data with several different research methods. The Merriam-Webster dictionary write that case study can also be a situation in real life that has been analyzed and studied to learn about something. For example, a client has a product that doesn’t sell well in one period time, and we are as a design agency assigned to solve the problem with a campaign. So we use a case study to analyze problems regarding the product. Make a deepen understanding to the matter by collecting data from several sources and making a …show more content…

So case study is more practical than theoretical. “The case study research design have evolved over the past few years as a useful tool for investigating trends and specific situations in many scientific disciplines” (Martyn Shuttleworth 2008, para 1). So case study is not a rigid method. It can get more benefit by using many sources or other methods as long as it is relevant and focus on the specific object. Case study design can change slightly depends on particular or specific matter as long as it can create a deeper understanding and detail knowledge and than rise up solutions. But also to keep in mind, case study is truly never about right or wrong because it is based on

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