Case Study: Are Working Moms Losing The Battle

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Are Working Mom 's losing the Battle? Women you have to be home with your children! We cannot handle your troublemakers anymore! We hear society telling us this time and again, but women can have it all! Children a career and still make dinner for the husband. As a society, we have watched and read as the media has gone back and forth with the controversy. Can a mother work and still be a mother? Is it detrimental to a child 's development? Does it mean your kids won 't do as well as other kids in school? Does it over all make you a bad mom? I believe in a women’s right and ability to work and the relief it creates for her children and husband. The above questions plagued the minds of hopeful mothers to be working on their college degrees …show more content…

A child being left with a regular caregiver while their mother returns to employment suffered no issues with "attachment" to their mother. The attachment between a child and their primary caregiver is important because a child cannot give their self-worth a value and, therefore, develop emotional stability without that attachment and the caring it involves. Showing that the separations child experience are not as impactful as the care a child receives from their main caregiver when they are home. Another finding in Mrs. Schachere 's article shows that "Mothers who respond appropriately and quickly to their infants ' cries of hunger and discomfort, who are more affectionate, and who provide more close bodily contact have infants who are more securely attached." You do not need to worry mom your child’s not going to be stunted in any way because you choose to work. In fact, working not only has the benefit of having more income in your home to make your child 's life easier, but children of working moms show more academic success too. I borrowed these statistics from Dr. Hoffman 's speech. Working mothers’ girls ‘…have higher academic achievement, greater career success…and greater occupational commitment." You do not …show more content…

She stayed at home despite her college education, she fought incredibly hard to obtain while I was a baby in diapers. She busted her hump chasing three extremely uncooperative children, but economically we did not represent the most successful family. I watched my father work jobs he hated and work two jobs through insomnia and back pain to make sure we got taken care of. I do not and will not watch the same things happen in my own family. That 's why I support the “working mommy revolution” and started college with the intent to obtain a career. I know that you can have it all because I 'm doing it. The evidence does not lie, better test score and children with higher self-esteem do not lie. Why is it that every few years we hear that women are needed in the home? One answer to this can be found in Mary Douglas Vavrus 's article in Feminist Media Studies called ‘Opting Out Moms in the New Selling New Traditionalism in the new millennium '. Mrs. Vavrus states that our current media climate is under the same influence as in World War II from the government trying to get women back into the home via the media to make room in the job market. Personally, I think the term traditional values have played a strong role in why women are strongly encouraged to remain or get married and stay home with the children. But as we evolve as a society the tradition is changing this seems to be harder to accept for our older generations who

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