Carpet Cleaning Advice

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Every home keeper knows their trusty vacuum cleaner is the best weapon against a dirty, smelly carpet. When pets are part of the household or to remove infrequent spills, proper spot removal is in order. Modern carpet is stain-resistant, making it easier to keep accidents from becoming permanent stains. Be mindful, stain resistant does not mean stain proof. You'll still need to be vigilant and attack offenders timely.

Carpet cleaning products bearing the Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI) seal of approval are generally safe to use on any type/color carpet. Still, it would be wise to test it on a small concealed area of carpet. Follow manufacturer's directions, remembering not to scrub the area vigorously.

Preventive measures go a long way toward keeping carpets clean. By placing mats inside and outside doorways, a great deal of dirt stays outside where it belongs. This may sound strange, but scheduled changes of your HVAC air filter allows it to remove dust that would otherwise fall on your carpet.

Beyond preventive measures, regular vacuuming and timely spot removal, carpets should b...

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