Carolina Dining Nutritional Data Summary

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For the analysis of Carolina Dining Services, a sample 5-day menu of an average Carolina student was taken. This 5-day menu was made by combining 5 different people’s 1-day menus. This 5-day menu assumes that the average student eats three meals from a Carolina Dining location (either the top of Lenoir or Rams Head) only. This means that we did not factor in the fact that student could eat outside of Carolina Dining Services. The nutritional values were averaged to come up with daily values. The reason for this analysis being done is to understand if Carolina Dining services is providing the normal student that dines there with a proper nutritional diet. The 5-day menu showed that the average student eats much less than they should on a day-to-day basis. Our study used the national average for a human diet, which is a 2000 calorie intake, as a comparison point. Based on the average, the students of Carolina are getting a full nutritional diet in some areas but not in others. The good parts of the diet are the intakes of fat and sodium. The daily total fat intake was 49g which is much less than the 65g of total fat that a person should stay below to be healthy (FDA 2013). The amount of sodium was 2239 which is lower than the upper threshold of 2400 (FDA 2013). On the other side, the intakes of calories, carbohydrates, and protein are not good. The data shows that the students only have 1534 calories a day, which is much lower than the normal diet of 2000 calories (FDA 2013). Students consumed 81g of carbohydrates which is also lower than the 300g a student is supposed to have daily (FDA 2013). The protein intake of a student is 54g which is a slightly high amount for a male and very high for a female, when compared to the 46g a... ... middle of paper ... from the dairy group is needed daily? [Internet]. United States Department of Agriculture:; [cited 2013 Jan 20]. Available From: [ChooseMyPlate] United States Department of Agriculture: [date unknown]c. How Many Grain Foods Are Needed Daily? [Internet]. United States Department of Agriculture:; [cited 2013 Jan 20]. Available From: [ChooseMyPlate] United States Department of Agriculture: [date unknown]d. How Much Fruit Is Needed Daily? [Internet]. United States Department of Agriculture:; [cited 2013 Jan 20]. Available From:

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