Career research paper

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A career is something you will do for the rest of your life. This is something that you should enjoy and be happy about. No matter the salary you must do something you enjoy. A recent poll stated that over 30% of our lives are spent working (What Percentage of our Lives are spent Working?). Another poll posted in the Washington Post said only about 13% of people actually ENJOY going to work everyday (Only 13 percent of People Worldwide actually like going to work). Only 13% like going to work and yet we spent almost a third of our lives doing it. Later in life I don't want to be the 13% so I have chosen to research two careers that I find interesting, these careers are being a high school math teacher and being a criminal investigator. These careers have interested me for a very long time. At one point in life everyone idolizes teachers, this could be when you are little or when you are older like me. Lastly being a criminal investigator seems interesting because of all the CSI shows. Granted I know that this is just television and the real job could never live up to Hollywood's portrayal of it. It still seems like a great and fun career.
Some reasons I think I could be a good high school math teacher is a lot of my personal characteristics follow those a typical teacher will have. These include being outgoing, attentive, a good speaker, a quick learner, and a good listener (Math Teacher (Secondary School)). Characteristics such as these are vital in the success of being a teacher (Secondary School Teacher). They are vital because in order to fully understand how to teach kids you must know what they think and how they come to answers. Being attentive will also help me teach the young adults, this is because I will quickly see ...

... middle of paper ... people and especially kids and that is what this job will entail. I also think it is a job that I will enjoy very much because I excel at math and help other students with their math a lot. Later on in life the hours that I will work will also be nice. This is so I can be with my family when my children (one day) will get off of school and still be able to see friends at night. Another benefit is having summers off, this will cut out an expense I may one day have of child care. Lastly teaching is something I think I will enjoy for a long time so I could be one of the only 13% of people who actually enjoy working (Only 13 percent of people actually like going to work). This paper has also made me realize that high school is soon coming to an end and that I need to start planning for my future. The job is overall what I will like to do for the rest of my life.

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