Cardiologist: An Extended Odyssey

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Once becoming a cardiologist the extended odyssey begins. In a typical day cardiologists can engage in a multitude of activities. Most cardiologists spend their typical days diagnosing patients, interacting with them and engaging in different procedures to help the heart. What they can also do is, they can review patients charts and from that they determine which steps need to be taken. For instance, cardiologists can insert pacemakers which are artificial devices that are placed near the heart inside patients for stimulating the heart muscle and regulating its contractions. In addition, cardiologists can insert stents which are tubular supports placed temporarily inside a blood vessel, canal, or duct to aid healing or relieve an obstruction. What they can also do is that they check up on the patients that need the most help and they can sometimes make CT scans or CMRI’s ( Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging). In addition, cardiologists can check on patients that have just had surgery and see how they are progressing. Along with checking on patients, when performing procedures on pa...

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