Car Crash Creative Writing

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Coma I glance over at my older brother, Grant. He’s teaching me to drive the old
Stick-shift pickup today.

"Ok, J you heard what I said before, easy on the gas when you’re switching gears. Now let’s go." He says to me smiling brightly. I pull out of our small driveway, and out onto the main road. I change gears and sped up to match the pace of the other cars.

“Nice job, you’re getting a hang of this!” Grant says and smiles.

“It’s easier than I thought, you made it seem like it would be a little more challenging.” I joked around with him.

He laughed, “Yeah words can be deceiving.”

Soon we are the only car out, and it's getting dark. "Alright J, we should start back home, it’s getting late." Requested Grant. I nod and pull off to the side to turn around. We come to the top of a hill, and I see a car that looks like it's swerving a little. I slow slightly and stay in the right lane. As we approach, the car drifts into my lane! I swear loudly and jerk the wheel to the side, causing the truck to crash into the ditch. …show more content…


A day or two later, I wake up. My head hurts super bad, and I am hooked up to some weird tube things that hang on a pole, and I have a cast on my right arm. I start to get a little dizzy and I see black dots in my vison. I try to fight the dark, but I still manage to blackout again. I wake up and see Grant sitting next to my hospital bed. He smiles and grips my hand. I grin, “Hi….” My voice sounds worn out and raspy, like sand paper. I clear my

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